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ZMA With Enhanced Bioavailability!* Muscle-building and recovery support for
hard-training athletes*




Jim Stoppani, PhD

Owner – JYM Supplement Science

JYM Supplement Science combines real science with best-in-class ingredients and precise doses to deliver unreal results.* ZMA JYM is a real, effectively dosed ZMA formula with enhanced bioavailability.*

Due to the forms of zinc and magnesium used, and the addition of vitamin B6, along with added BioPerine, ZMA JYM is the most effective way for athletes and other hard-training individuals to get adequate zinc and magnesium.* These two essential minerals are critical for maintaining optimal hormone levels and maximizing muscle strength. It can be important to supplement zinc and magnesium, because you may actually be deficient in both!*

Defeat Deficiencies

Zinc and magnesium deficiencies are due to several factors that increase the loss of these critical minerals and also decrease their uptake from food. Loss of these minerals occurs through sweat and urine, plus an increased use for recovery and protein synthesis. Reduced uptake of these minerals can happen due to refined sugars and white-flour products, alcohol consumption, calcium-rich foods like dairy, copper, as well as foods rich in phytates (phosphorous compounds found in whole-grain breads, cereals, and legumes).

ZMA JYM is designed to work with Vita JYM, which purposely doesn’t include zinc and magnesium to promote better absorption of other critical vitamins and minerals, and to prevent you from getting too much zinc and magnesium.

The Science of ZMA JYM

Research suggests that ZMA has significant anabolic benefits.* A study performed at Western Washington University (Bellingham) had NCAA football players take ZMA or a placebo every night during an eight-week spring training program. Researchers reported that the athletes taking the ZMA supplement experienced more than a 30-percent increase in testosterone levels, and about a 5-percent increase in levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Those taking a placebo had a 10-percent decrease in testosterone levels and a greater than 20-percent decrease in levels of IGF-1!*

In addition to the improvements in their anabolic hormone levels, the ZMA-supplemented athletes made significantly greater gains in strength and power, and achieved better sleep quality, than the placebo group. Better sleep quality helps promote muscle recovery from tough workouts. These benefits occurred in the ZMA group despite the fact a dietary analysis found that the athletes were consuming well over the recommended intake for zinc. In addition to the study performed at Western Washington University, several other studies suggest that zinc and magnesium offer potent anabolic properties.*

A 2007 study from Selcuk University (Konya, Turkey) reported that four weeks of zinc supplementation in men increased testosterone levels at rest and after exercise. The same researchers also found similar results for zinc supplementation on testosterone levels in a prior study with competitive wrestlers.*

On the other hand, researchers from the USDA reported that zinc depletion decreased muscle endurance in subjects. This means that maintaining optimal zinc levels is critical for your ability to complete a number of reps with a given weight.

The same Western Washington University team that performed the aforementioned ZMA research discovered in an earlier study that, when subjects supplemented with magnesium while following a seven-week leg training program, their leg strength increased by 20-percent more than those taking a placebo!*

Real ZMA, Unreal Results

I formulated ZMA JYM to avoid five common mistakes that undermine many other ZMA products. These fatal mistakes include:

Not Using Real ZMA

ZMA is not just zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6 thrown into a bottle. ZMA is specific forms of these minerals that enhance their uptake and utilization by the body. ZMA specifically uses zinc mono-L-methionine, and aspartate and magnesium aspartate. This is critical because there are two forms of zinc monomethionine: zinc mono-L-methionine and zinc mono-D-methionine. Only the “L” form is readily absorbed and used by the body. The human body is not able to use the “D” form.

Some bogus ZMA products use a combo of both the “L” and “D” form. The D form actually inhibits the absorption of the L form and undermines zinc uptake. If a ZMA product does not specifically list zinc mono-L-methionine, and instead lists zinc monomethionine, don’t bother with it. An easy way to ensure that a product uses real ZMA is to look for the SNAC System trademark listed on the bottle. Anything else is an imposter.


Many bogus ZMA products grossly under-dose the zinc and magnesium. A properly dosed ZMA product will provide 30 mg of zinc mono-L-methionine and aspartate, 450 mg of magnesium aspartate, and 10.5 mg of vitamin B6 per dose.* In the case of ZMA JYM each capsule provides precisely 10 mg zinc mono-L-methionine and aspartate, 150 mg of magnesium aspartate, and 3.5 mg of B6. With the full 3-capsule dose of ZMA JYM, that’s 30 mg zinc, 450 mg magnesium, and 10.5 mg of B6.

Added “Testosterone Boosters”

Some ZMA products add extra ingredients to help support testosterone levels. Unfortunately some herbal ingredients used to support testosterone can inhibit the absorption of zinc and magnesium. Plus, most testosterone-support ingredients should be taken with food, while ZMA should be taken without food. If you want to optimize your testosterone levels, take a separate testosterone support such as Alpha JYM.

Added “Sleep Agents”

Many ZMA products add extra ingredients to help promote sleep. Common ingredients include melatonin, L-theanine, and 5-HTP. The problem with this is that you shouldn’t always need a sleep agent before bed every night. Yet if the ZMA product you’re using includes any supplements that help to enhance sleep and relaxation, taking them every night can leave you dependent on these agents, which is the last thing you want. A proper ZMA product focuses on just providing you real ZMA without any sleep agents. If you need help sleeping for a period of time, then buy a separate sleep supplement.

Added Minerals

Many ZMA products actually add other minerals to the formula. Two common minerals you may see are copper and calcium. This is counterproductive because calcium interferes with zinc uptake, as does copper. As critical as these minerals are, you should be taking them at separate times of the day, not with your ZMA.

I formulated ZMA JYM to optimize the body’s uptake and utilization of zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6. That’s why the only thing I added to ZMA JYM is Bioperine. Research shows that this black pepper extract can enhance the absorption of zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6 by the body.*

JYM System Synergy

While it’s easy to look at a single ZMA product, or any product for that matter, and decide whether you want to add it to your supplement regimen, you need to consider ZMA JYM in relation to my other JYM products. I formulated all JYM products to work in synergy with each other. ZMA JYM is designed to work both with Vita JYM and even Pro JYM to provide all your critical micronutrients in the proper forms and doses at the specific times you need them.*

As mentioned, Vita JYM is strategically devoid of zinc and magnesium because you want to supplement those two minerals as ZMA at a separate time from other minerals. Plus, you do not want to supplement with too much zinc or magnesium, which is counterproductive. Vita JYM also supplies you the proper amount of copper you need in relation to zinc, which needs to be taken at a specific ratio for best results. Vita JYM is also devoid of calcium, which interferes with the absorption of numerous minerals. Pro JYM, my high-quality protein powder blend, provides you ample calcium (400 mg per serving).

This is the way that I designed all my JYM supplements: to work hand-in-hand with one another and deliver the best possible results as a complete system. The JYM Supplement Science line is the smartest, most effective supplement line on the market. I wouldn’t create anything less for myself or for you.*

Be smart and hit the JYM!

Jim Stoppani, PhD
JYM Supplement Science

ZMA JYM Features:

  • Zinc as zinc mono-L-methionine and aspartate
  • Magnesium as magnesium aspartate
  • Vitamin B6 to aid uptake and utilization of zinc and magnesium*
  • 5 mg BioPerine to enhance absorption*

Under the Microscope

Let’s take a closer look at each of the 4 ingredients and doses used to make ZMA JYM the athlete’s perfect ZMA supplement.

30 mg Zinc

  • Zinc is an essential mineral and an antioxidant that supports the activity of many enzymes in the body, which are helpful for a multitude of biochemical reactions.*
  • Zinc is known to support protein synthesis, the molecular mechanism of muscle growth.*
  • One study reported that four weeks of zinc supplementation in men increased testosterone levels at rest and after exercise.*
  • The same researchers found similar results for zinc on testosterone levels in competitive wrestlers.*

450 mg Magnesium

  • Magnesium is an essential mineral involved in numerous reactions in the body.
  • Magnesium is important for cardiovascular, metabolic, and bone health, and research has discovered that supplementing with magnesium can support muscle strength.
  • This may be due to its ability to raise testosterone levels as suggested in one study by Turkish scientists.*

  • Magnesium also supports sleep quality due to its ability to normalize and extend stage 3 and 4 slow-wave sleep.

10.5 mg Vitamin B6

  • Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that is a cofactor in many reactions in the body.
  • It’s involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, histamine, and hemoglobin.

  • Vitamin B6 is also helpful in allowing the muscles to use stored glycogen (storage form of carbohydrate) for fuel during workouts.
  • Vitamin B6 is added to ZMA because it can aid zinc and magnesium absorption by the body.

*5 mg of BioPerine

  • BioPerine is a patented extract of the fruit of black pepper, or long pepper, that contains standardized amounts of the active ingredient piperine.
  • Numerous clinical studies confirm that when a 5 mg dose of BioPerine is taken with other supplements, it increases the absorption of those supplements by 30 to 2,000 percent.*
  • Research confirms that Bioperine increases the uptake of zinc, magnesium, and Vitamin B6 by the body.*

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